Covid-19 Policies
Keeping Employees Safe
  • Access to multiple hand sanitizer stations 
  • Sanitation of POS between transactions
  • COVID related and de-escalation training for all staff
  • Restrooms w/ step handle
  • Virtual tab closures w/ Arryved
  • Masks are required when ordering and inside while not seated
  • Minimal crossover from brewery to taproom
  • Employees who are showing flu-like symptoms will undergo testing and will be excluded from operations until they are symptom-free and test results are negative.
Keeping GUESTS Safe
  • A-Frames at entrance w/ Meanwhile’s social distancing guidelines & expectations
  • 6 ft markers on ground to ensure social distancing while in line to order 
  • QR codes to access menu online
  • No brewery access or tours
  • Curbside delivery offered for to-go orders
  • Plexiglass will be covering the ordering window and serve as a physical barrier for ordering.
  • Sanitization of tables after every use and high traffic areas will be sanitized at a minimum every half hour
  • You must remain in your seat if not ordering food or beverages or using the restroom
  • Access to multiple hand sanitizer stations 
  • Hand washing signs posted
  • COVID information posted
  • Sanitation of the POS w/ alcohol wipes between guest transactions
  • Restrooms w/ foot handles
  • We are offering the ability to close out your tab from your phone with the Arryved app

We're thrilled to be working with our nonprofit partners to help raise awareness for their cause:
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